Loading the prefix list...

This page lists the prefixes of sections offered for the campus, term, and year you selected.

Prefix Title

Loading the section list...

Loading the section information...

Here are a few important things to know about this web site.

Full or Closed Sections

Sections displayed in gray are full. Sometimes a section that is full may be cross-listed with another section. Cross-listed sections fulfill the same requirements, so taking the cross-listed section may be an alternative worth considering.

Closed Versus Cancelled Sections

We use the term "Closed Section" to describe a section that is full. It may be possible to enroll in a closed section with the instructor's permission. "Cancelled Sections" are no longer offered and thus enrolling in a cancelled section is not possible.

Data Updates

The information provided by this web site is updated hourly every weekday.

This page provides a link to, and an explanation of, the Class Absence Request form.

Class Absence Request Form

Any student who is required to participate in off-campus, university-sponsored activities such as field trips, musical performances, judging teams, intercollegiate athletic events, etc. should obtain an official Class Absence Request Form from the faculty of staff member supervising the off-campus activity. The form must contain specific information concerning the activity and date, be signed by the supervising faculty or staff member, and be submitted by the student, at least one week in advance, to the individual instructors of the student's classes. It is requested that students not be penalized for absence from class provided a properly signed Class Absence Request Form has been filed with the instructor prior to the absence. In all instances, it is the students' responsibility to make up all work missed. Problem cases should follow the Academic Complaint Procedures, Rule 104.

This page lists and explains the notes shown on the left-most column of the section list.

The data below is based on Census snapshots typically taken the second friday after the term.


Archive data is based on Census snapshots typically taken the second Friday of the term and is available through 2012 on most campuses. Beginning Fall 2020, similar data is available in OBIEE withinmyWSU.

Do note that you will need to use Firefox and have pop-up blockers disabled to use OBIEE. Usability, functionality, reporting, and process are significantly different within myWSU/OBIEE.

Questions with OBIEE and myWSU: Crimson Service Desk (crimsonservicedesk@wsu.edu).

A list of all building abbreviations for the WSU System.


Building Name


WSU Coop Course Search

Coop program for UI students attending WSU:

  • Application for non-degree cooperative program admission
  • For Fall Enrollment: Available First Monday in April through 10th day of classes
  • For Spring Enrollment: Available First Monday in November through 10th day of classes
  • WSU Coop Courses open to UI Students (use Course Search above).

Coop program for WSU students attending UI:

UI will not release official transcripts to WSU for any WSU student who owes a debt to UI. Ensure all your fees and tuition not covered by the cooperative agreement and financial aid are paid in full to the UI by the end of the term.

Use this page to run some predefined reports.

Term, Year, and Campus